The Motley Fool Personal Finance Workbook by David and Tom Gardner. Short, smart, practical and only a little silly.
Making the Most of Your Money by Jane Bryant Quinn. Smart advice from our favorite.
Get a Financial Life by Beth Kobliner. Perfect for Gen-Xers’ supershort attention spans.
The Ernst & Young Tax Guide 2003 A full 750 pages of tax minutiae.
Morningstar Guide to Mutual Funds by Christine Benz, Peter Di Teresa and Russel Kinnel. A basic intro to mutual funds.
Common Sense on Mutual Funds by John C. Bogle, of the Vanguard mutual-fund monolith.
‘Honey, I’ve Shrunk the Bills!’ by Jack Weber. Corny title but real money-saving info on shopping.
Take Control of Your Student Loan Debt by Robin Leonard and Deanne Loonin. Pay for that diploma.
60-Second Investor by Charles B. Carlson. For folks with little time and even less money.
Credit Card and Debt Management by Scott Bilker. The math behind the plastic.