Set in the world of Eos, Final Fantasy 15 explores the tale of Noctis Lucis Caelum, the crown prince and heir to the Lucis throne. Alongside three trusty companions, Noctis embarks on a journey to the Altissia to marry his fiancee, Lunafreya of the imperial province Tenebrae. The adventure takes a dark turn when Noctis’ homeland, Insomnia, is attacked under a false peace treaty.

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Reddit user u/Fit-Raisin-5824 created a Final Fantasy 15-themed custom controller for PS4, which pays tribute to Noctis and Lunafreya. The PS4 controller is divided by strong hues of dark blue and white to symbol the differences between both characters. The contrasting colors meet in the middle of the controller with a golden PlayStation button and a touchpad featuring the Final Fantasy 15 logo by Yoshitaka Amano. The buttons and edges of the custom PS4 controller are adorned in shades of gold.

The concept behind the custom controller was to remain faithful to the games that best represented the PS4 platform, according to u/Fit-Raisin-5824. Final Fantasy 15 was one of the most anticipated games during the PS4 generation, and Japanese RPGs were generally favored on PlayStation hardware at the time. As a result, the user saw Final Fantasy 15 as a worthy candidate for a custom controller.

The PS4 is one of the most beloved platforms of all time, and the Final Fantasy 15 controller pays great homage to the game and console. Although Final Fantasy 15 had a multiplatform release, many players considered PlayStation as the home of the Final Fantasy series since Final Fantasy 7 in 1997. Final Fantasy 15 was a polarizing title, but the legacy may live on positively through fan-creations like the custom controller by u/Fit-Raisin-5824.

Since the release of Final Fantasy 15, the franchise has grown in success and expectations equally. Fans eagerly await games such as Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Final Fantasy 16, which are major new titles with high expectations from fans. Fortunately, it appears Square Enix learned from its mistakes with Final Fantasy 15 and the series will thrive for many years to come.

Final Fantasy 15 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: r/FinalFantasy