Sakaguchi began Final Fantasy 14 at the end of September last year. He blazed a trail through the critically-acclaimed MMORPG in 35 days, completing the Main Scenario quests with plenty of time to spend on side quests before Endwalker’s release in December.

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With over a month since its launch, Sakaguchi has already completed Endwalker, and has begun diving deep into Final Fantasy 14 to complete its other challenges. Having completed old Savage raids, new Extreme trials, and collected rare mounts and gear, the father of Final Fantasy has turned his attention to crafting and gathering in Final Fantasy 14 to replenish his dwindling gil funds. In a recent tweet, Sakaguchi revealed his Weaver was already at level 90, and comedically announced his new brand, “Saka Gucci.”

Sakaguchi and Final Fantasy were nearly inseparable for most of the franchise’s life. He was a part of the development of every Final Fantasy title from the first title from 1987 all the way through Final Fantasy 10-2 in 2003. Though he left to start Mistwalker and pursue other avenues of game design after, Final Fantasy will always be a part of the game developer’s life. With so many references to older Final Fantasy titles, fans of the franchise have loved watching Sakaguchi discover the many homages to his own work within the game.

Players were thrilled to see Sakaguchi had gotten into the crafting business. His followers and fans laughed at the punderful brand name, and celebrated his first–likely of many–max-level crafter. With a robust crafting and gathering mechanics, Final Fantasy 14 crafters can’t wait to see what Sakaguchi will level next.

When an item is created by a player in Final Fantasy 14, the item bears that player’s name on it, meaning players who buy an item from Sakaguchi would have his character’s name on it as a badge of honor. Players immediately began pledging millions of gil towards “Saka Gucci,” hoping to get a Final Fantasy 14 item created by the creator of Final Fantasy. While only players on Sakaguchi’s data center can get their hands on a “Saka Gucci” original right now, with the Data Center Travel system coming in one of the 6.1x series Final Fantasy 14 patches, players on any of the Japanese data centers will soon be able to visit and support Sakaguchi’s crafting ventures.

Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker is currently live on PC, PS4, and PS5, and will be available for purchase on January 25.

MORE: Final Fantasy 14 Offers Incentives to Players who Join the New Oceania Data Center