Granted, they got Opera Omnia for mobile systems, but this was clearly a smaller-scale adventure, lacking the real-time combat and cinematic production values of its predecessors. Though nothing beyond this has been announced, fans can definitely dream. Of course, with those dreams comes endless speculation over the roster. Which Final Fantasy icons can possibly compete in this grand battle?

8 Zack Fair - Final Fantasy 7

By all accounts, Zack should function like Cloud. He’s an elite SOLDIER operative who even wields the same buster sword. As such, players should also expect heavy slashes and mastery of materia magic. As Final Fantasy 7 reveals, Cloud unconsciously modeled himself on Zack after their shared experimentation. On the other hand, his black-haired predecessor is a far more upbeat protagonist.

Zack often has a flair for the theatrical. The chip on his shoulder makes for showier strikes. That infectious enthusiasm mixed with the gravitas of experience would create a breath of fresh air in the Dissidia lineup. For the most part, the heroes here are either downbeat or energetic; few exist in between.

7 Garnet - Final Fantasy 9

The Dissidia games have already included Yuna of Final Fantasy 10, but why not incorporate her superior predecessor? Princess Garnet of Final Fantasy 9 is also a summoner, but the creatures she calls are much more useful than Yuna’s. They deal more damage and aren’t vulnerable to enemy attacks. On top of that, her potent healing magic makes her a more effective white mage.

These both complement Garnet’s confident persona. Though starting as a polite princess, she’s not a doormat by any means, giving as good as she gets. She’s also quick to take the initiative of any situation. This strong personality would bounce off the other heroes beautifully.

6 Celes - Final Fantasy 6

When it comes to Final Fantasy 6 characters, Terra has gotten the most attention in crossovers. The game has other protagonists, though, and some are just as important to the story. Center among them is Celes. She essentially becomes the hero later on, spearheading the resistance against Kefka’s cataclysmic regime as atonement for her actions in the Gestahlian Empire. That drive makes her a natural leader in another crossover: World of Final Fantasy. If that game proves anything, it’s that she’d fit right into a Dissidia title.

That’s further reflected in her gameplay. Celes is basically a better version of Terra. As a rune knight, she can obviously wield a sword with finesse. However, she’s also gifted in magic, especially ice. These factors ensure she can keep up with the more powerful fighters in the roster.

5 Sabin - Final Fantasy 6

Another favorite from FF6, Sabin is a prince who forsook his throne for a life of freedom and martial arts. He gets to the point with little delay, which sometimes makes him brash to a fault. That said, it’s not the upbeat brashness of the series’ other impulsive characters. Rather, it’s more to do with his short fuse, and this would create an amusing foil once he joined the group.

That contrast extends to gameplay. Sabin’s martial arts skills obviously mean he’d function differently than most characters with their weapon-based attacks. The most he has are makeshift claws, but he doesn’t need much else. He has an uncanny strength, enough to Supplex a train and hold up a crumbling building. That power would send anyone flying across the arena.

4 Balthier - Final Fantasy 12

Another pivotal player pushed to the side, Balthier is a sky pirate whose relationship with Princess Ashe lies at the center of the global conflict of Final Fantasy 12. Previous Dissidia games only included Vaan to represent that game, but he’s only a nobody street kid who’s swept up in the conflict. Balthier fits the leading man mantle much better. Her certainly boasts it enough. He has all the swagger you’d expect of a swashbuckler, cocky and able to see the humor in serious scenarios. When placed among a slew of other leads, both the humor and drama write themselves as he’s taken down a peg.

In true pirate fashion, Balthier would settle these disputes with his pistol. This lends itself to either ranged shots or close-up blasts. Not many Dissidia fighters are designed for such projectile gameplay. The only prominent example is Final Fantasy 8’s Laguna, who feels heavy and cumbersome. That problem wouldn’t exist with Balthier. Swinging and sliding across arenas–movement typical in Dissidia–would come second nature to someone who’s done the same on countless sky vessels. Such a natural advantage could help this scoundrel steal the spotlight back.

3 Sora - Kingdom Hearts

Fans celebrated when the Kingdom Hearts hero popped up in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but he’d be more fitting for this fighting game. His series is built on combining Disney and Final Fantasy. Plus, world-hopping is a big part of it. The developers could even weave a Dissidia adventure into the current narrative about Sora being lost in “fictional” worlds. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s encountered alternate versions of his FF friends, but it would be his first time meeting many series heroes.

Beyond that narrative potential, Sora’s skill set is practically perfect for these mechanics. His magic and melee abilities are comparable to any Final Fantasy protagonist, making for all sorts of flashy combos and gravity-defying stunts. The Dissidia combat would fit him like a glove. He’s arguably more suited than other characters, as most of them come from turn-based titles.

2 Sherlotta - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes Of Time

Originating in the offshoot series, Crystal Chronicles, Sherlotta is an immortal mage who lives a solitary life in the forest. She can not only transfer her consciousness into a cat, but she can also harness energy and manifest it into mystical crystals. It doesn’t take a genius to imagine how that could translate to gameplay, be it for projectile attacks or form changes. That said, she mostly uses her gifts for peaceful purposes.

Chief among these is looking after the protagonist. Sherlotta is largely a maternal figure, coming with a nurturing attitude but not afraid of a little tough love. She’s a practical woman with no time for ridiculousness. This already makes for a ton of fun moments in World of Final Fantasy, where she regularly scolds Refia and a lonely zombie (don’t ask). Imagine her giving the same earful to others like Cloud or Zidane. In fact, she’s thousands of years old, so she could also berate the gods who orchestrated these wars. Players would probably pay to see that.

1 Warrior Of Light - Final Fantasy 14

This may seem like an odd inclusion at first. The Warrior of Light is a player character in an MMO, meaning his/her personality and skillset are blank slates. Not to mention, Dissidia already has a Warrior of Light acting as the hero for the first Final Fantasy game. However, his presence would make an interesting dynamic. The original Warrior was a blank slate as well, but the developers still fashioned a character from what few cues they had. Final Fantasy 14 gives them more than enough to do the same.

Promos and cutscenes paint this game’s Warrior as a brash rogue who grows into a hardened soldier. He reflects that by his shift in weaponry, going from a bow and arrow to a sword and shield. Such factors could illustrate how the series has grown since the original Warrior’s time. The game might cement that growth by letting players customize this character–a first for Dissidia. Like game as a whole, FF14’s Warrior of Light has too much untapped potential to ignore.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NTis available on PC and PS4.

More: Final Fantasy: Every Mainline Entry Ranked, According To Difficulty