Final Fantasy 9 launched on Steam in 2016, bringing the original PlayStation’s final installment of the Final Fantasy series to PC for the first time. Since then, the game has received a variety of quality assurance updates and bug fixes, settling back as an old fan favorite Final Fantasy title.

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According to reports, as well as the Steam page’s own requirement of 0MB of free space needed to download the game, the files that the were deleted were actually all of them. That’s right, every single file of the game was deleted, meaning that anyone who actually downloaded the update was essentially just deleting the game from their systems. As a result, the update made the game completely unplayable on PC, seeing as how there were no files, or more importantly, no game at all, while leaving its versions on other platforms untouched.

The update has since been fixed, and players can continue to download new updates to Final Fantasy 9 and return to playing the game through whichever their preferred platform for the game is, from PC, to PlayStation, to the Switch version. It currently hasn’t been explained how or why this unfortunate update happened in the first place, but it was likely a missed keystroke by a technician currently working on updates for the game. However, the issue was thankfully found fairly quickly and remedied only a few hours after the initial update went live.

While the game’s initial launch was unfortunately less impressive than other counterparts in the series, Final Fantasy 9’s stellar cast and dark themes have cemented it as one of the best in the series. So, it is fortunate that the game is once again playable for anyone who had previously downloaded the title through Steam. Although, for anyone looking to play this morning, there are at least other options for players looking to dive into the game again, or for the first time if they missed it when it first released, with the title being available on a number of systems.

Final Fantasy 9 is available now on Mobile, PC, PS1, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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Source: IGN