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While there are some people who consider this title to be inferior to the other games in the series, there are others who’ll swear by the fact that Final Fantasy VIII is the best game in the franchise for the PlayStation, even surpassing Final Fantasy VII. To address both sides of the issue, here’s a comparative analysis of both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII, detailing out the merits of each game and where they stand superior.

10 FINAL FANTASY VII: The Franchise’s First Foray Into 3D

Final Fantasy VII is a game that certainly hasn’t aged well visually, and it’s a great thing that the game is finally getting the respect it deserves with a remake that adds a fresher coat of paint to a beloved title.

However, at the time of its release, Final Fantasy VII was considered to be a monumental achievement. Everything from the summon animations to the detailed FMVs received universal praise upon launch.

9 FINAL FANTASY VIII: One Of The Most Beautiful Titles On The PlayStation

While Final Fantasy VII might’ve been an admirable attempt to bring the franchise into the 3D space, it’s Final Fantasy VIII that truly showed the power of the PlayStation with its beautiful visuals.

Gone were the chibi models, replaced instead by character models that remained consistent in and out of battle. This, coupled with the beautiful effects and animations, led to Final Fantasy VIII still looking remarkably decent to this very day.

8 FINAL FANTASY VII: The Story Is Incredible

One of the biggest selling points of Final Fantasy VII over the game’s sequel is the story, which is truly brilliant and engrossing in every sense of the word.

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It certainly helps that the cast of characters who are at the center of this brilliant tale are all memorable in some way or the other, adding further weight to an emotional high-stakes tale.

7 FINAL FANTASY VIII: Translation Quality Is Much Better

However, while the story of Final Fantasy VII might be leagues ahead of its sequel, one can’t deny that the English localization does a horrible job of translating the sheer epicness of this tale.

Squaresoft learned from this mistake and invested way more money into making Final Fantasy VIII look more professional when it came to presenting the story, averting an amateurish job carried out by a single individual.

6 FINAL FANTASY VII: Materia Is Incredibly Flexible

One of the highlights of Final Fantasy VII is the Materia system, which has become an iconic concept that is still relevant to this very day.

Using Materia to augment the abilities of party members is a gameplay loop that never gets old and is one of the shining achievements of this title.

5 FINAL FANTASY VIII: The Junction System Is Complicated… Yet Interesting

One of the biggest gripes that people have when it comes to Final Fantasy VIII is the complicated and broken nature of the Junction system.

While a bit of play-testing would’ve gone a long way in balancing this system, there’s no denying the fact that mastering the Junction system can prove to be quite entertaining and allow the party to become incredibly strong fighters without having to grind… too much.

4 FINAL FANTASY VII: A Game So Beloved That Fans Lapped Up Its Remake

The legacy of Final Fantasy VII was so immense that fans were clamoring for a remake ever since that fateful Final Fantasy VII tech demo for the PS3.

The fact that the remake has gone on to become one of the biggest releases of this year should be proof enough of just how much of an achievement this game really is.

3 FINAL FANTASY VIII: The Demand For Its Remaster Was Off The Charts

Final Fantasy VIII is considered by many to be the dark horse of the series… and, even then, fans were going crazy asking Square Enix for a remaster that would modernize this beautiful classic.

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If a large section of the fanbase was so elated at the prospect of a remaster, then it’s definitive proof of the fact that Final Fantasy VIII is truly something special.

2 FINAL FANTASY VII: The Greatest Game In The Franchise’s History

Fans can debate at length about the best title in the Final Fantasy series, but when it comes to the topic of greatness, it’s unanimously agreed upon that Final Fantasy VII sits comfortably on the throne in this regard.

After all, Final Fantasy VII is the reason why this franchise has enjoyed such massive international popularity across the board. Without this title, Final Fantasy would never have reached the heights of success it truly deserved.

1 FINAL FANTASY VIII: Paved The Way For The Series’ Future

Most people might have their fair share of gripes when it comes to Final Fantasy VIII, but there’s no denying the fact that the advancements featured in this game have become series staples over time. From interactive combat to breathtaking visuals & storytelling tropes, there are a slew of elements that have become classic staples of the series.

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