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There are several elements to Sephiroth that make him a frightening villain in Final Fantasy 7, but all of them combined serve to showcase his truly terrifying nature. Though he is only alluded to for a large portion of the game, how he is incorporated into the story swiftly strikes fear into those who hear his famous tales.

10 The Nibelheim Flashback

The opening segment of Final Fantasy 7 opts to antagonize the Shinra Electric Power Company over the game’s primary villain, but with good reason. It is only after leaving Midgar that the player is given the chance to witness Sephiroth’s frightening powers.

While Cloud recounts his past dealings with the mysterious villain during his time in SOLDIER, the player is allowed to fight by Sephiroth’s side. Sephiroth’s damage output is frighteningly high compared to Cloud’s, thus enhancing the threat he poses to Cloud and his companions.

9 His Past

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 offers fans of the series a closer look into Sephiroth’s life before the events of Final Fantasy 7. As a Shinra employee, Sephiroth was once regarded as the most powerful SOLDIER in the company’s ranks.

Crisis Core sees Sephiroth as a valuable asset to Zack as he journeys to become a hero. Zack idolizes him and aspires to be like him, so his sudden turn to evil created conflict in Zack’s mind, while also showcasing how easily one can be swayed by the power of Jenova.

8 His Philosophies

Upon discovering that Jenova cells dwell inside him, Sephiroth became obsessed with ideas of world domination. Convincing himself that Jenova is his mother, Sephiroth believes that he is destined to rule over Gaia and will do whatever it takes to reclaim the planet for himself.

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Sephiroth thinks that the humans who dwell on Gaia have no claim to it as they eradicated the planet’s true rulers, the Cetra. Believing himself to be a descendant of the Cetra, Sephiroth intends to bring ruin to the planet to avenge his fallen ancestors.

7 Sephiroth Clones

Throughout the opening segments of Final Fantasy 7, Sephiroth is alluded to in a variety of ways with his most disconcerting reference being seen through the presence of his followers. Often depicted in black robes, these cult members are fixated on thoughts of reviving their fallen idol.

Referred to as clones, these monstrosities were test subjects in Professor Hojo’s cruel experiments. By administering these unfortunate beings with Jenova cells, Hojo destroyed their minds and, in doing so, allowed Sephiroth to take control of their bodies. Sephiroth’s ability to manipulate these mindless beings further enhances the threat he poses to Cloud and his friends.

6 Best SOLDIER Ever

If not for Sephiroth’s accomplishments on the battlefield, Cloud would never have sought to become a SOLDIER. Throughout the narrative, he is regularly referred to as the most powerful First Class SOLDIER to have ever existed: a title that is not easily earned.

To become a SOLDIER, the Shinra company infuses its candidates with Mako energy: a process that shortens the receiver’s lifespan while also granting them inhuman combat abilities. The frightening power associated with SOLDIERS is made evident throughout the series, but for Sephiroth to be the most powerful of them all makes him an otherworldly foe.

5 The One-Winged Angel Theme

Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, One-Winged Angel is one of the most popular songs present in the entire Final Fantasy franchise. Played during the Safer-Sephiroth boss battle, it adds a new level of horror to the famous final boss of Final Fantasy 7.

As one of the first songs in the series to incorporate lyrics, One-Winged Angel is nothing short of a masterpiece. With Latin lyrics illustrating themes of fire and death, along with its multiple sections, this piece perfectly captures the scale of the battle while highlighting what could happen if the party fails to stop him.

4 Constant Allusions

It is unusual for a villain to see such little screen time during a game, but for Sephiroth, this strange approach serves to further vilify him. Described to be an extremely powerful war hero, Sephiroth’s change in allegiances results in him becoming one of the most terrifying characters in gaming.

While exploring the world of Gaia, Cloud will often stumble upon the ruins left behind in Sephiroth’s wake. Upon escaping Midgar, the party ventures to a location known as the Marshes, where they happen upon an impaled Midgar Zolom. It is recommended that the player avoid this foe due to its vast strength, but upon navigating its domain, it is revealed that Sephiroth felled this terrifying beast with ease.

3 Supernova

As well as being an extremely powerful attack, the Supernova ability utilized by Sephiroth during the climax of the game is one of the most frightening moves seen in gaming. Taking approximately two minutes to perform, the Supernova attack spends its screen time promoting fear in those who witness it.

The attack sees a planet-sized meteor being summoned from a distant galaxy. As it journeys to Gaia, it crashes through Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter, rendering them destroyed before devastating the party. Sephiroth’s ability to destroy galaxies in mere moments is a prime example of the power he holds and why he should be feared.

2 Killing Aerith

By solidifying Aerith as one of the main protagonists in Final Fantasy 7, fans felt safe in the knowledge that she would outlive her adversaries, but this was unfortunately not the case. As one of the last Ancients on the planet, Aerith was the only character capable of summoning Holy, one of the few things capable of stopping Sephiroth.

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Upon discovering this, Sephiroth journeys to the City of the Ancients to ensure she never gets the opportunity to hinder his plans. He impales her with his Masamune and leaves her for dead. Through him killing Aerith, fans were taught to fear for the safety of the game’s other main characters.

1 His Designs

Even without his heinous desires, Sephiroth is still an intimidating presence. No matter what side he is on, his design commands respect while also striking fear into the hearts of those who encounter him. Clothed primarily in a black, altered SOLDIER uniform, Sephiroth’s design implies that he is an extremely powerful being.

Though his human design can terrify his foes, his depiction during the Safer-Sephiroth boss fight has cemented him as one of the most frightening depictions of man-turned-monster in gaming history. Having abandoned his human form, all that remains of Sephiroth is his torso and his head, while the rest of his limbs are replaced with large wings. Players who were once frightened of taking on this otherworldly foe will find themselves frozen with fear upon witnessing his final form.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is scheduled to release in Winter 2023.

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