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What you may not realize is that morality is in most video games and shows through in the actions of the characters. The Final Fantasy VII Remake has some of the best moral decisions out of any RPG for its characters. The literal fate of the world is dependent on the actions of a few, but what exactly are each of their Dungeons & Dragons alignments? Find out in this list!

10 NEUTRAL GOOD: Cloud Strife

The obvious character in the Neutral category would be Cloud. He may seem like he would be on the side of good, but he starts the game off as a true neutral party. Being a mercenary, he has no moral value to help AVALANCHE but his own and doesn’t care if he is helping the planet or hindering it.

He is solely focused on that money and it shows with the number of times he brings it up at the beginning of the game. He does have a switch later on to the Neutral Good side of things, though, when he realizes that he does cares about doing good for the planet and helping his friends. Plus, he finally stops worrying about that paycheck.


Speaking of neutral forces, Tifa comes in as a Neutral Good force in the game. She doesn’t care who she is punching, and sure, she can feel bad about the destruction she causes but in the end she knows that it is for the greater good which is what all great Neutral Good characters must realize.

She actively helps AVALANCHE kick Shinra butt whether it is from the sidelines giving them a place to hide out or actively shoving her fist into some unlucky soldier’s face in the heat of battle.


We all love the eco-terrorist with a gun for an arm and a quick temper. Barret can always be found showing Shinra soldiers what the end of a Gatling gun arm looks like. His entire alignment revolves around making sure the world is around for everyone to enjoy it and teaching everyone that they shouldn’t become reliant on everything that Shinra pushes on them.

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He opposes the law like any chaotic force should and forces his way past soldier after soldier to make accomplish his goals. His obvious love for the planet and belief in fulfilling the greater good while actively taking the law into his own hands to accomplish his goals puts him on the Chaotic Good category of the moral spectrum.


Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge all come in on the good side as well. Joining Barret and making up the rest of AVALANCHE, they actively help avoid the law and destroy the reactors. Jessie actively creates the bombs the group uses to destroy the reactors.

Meanwhile, Biggs and Wedge make up the rest of AVALANCHE’s muscle. Each member of AVALANCHE register as Chaotic Good for their obvious belief in the greater good and helping the planet via destructive means.


Aerith, the lovable flower girl and victim of Shinra, is the blatant lawful good force in the game. She starts off the game innocent and trying to do what she can to help others. She brings flowers to the orphanage and cares about everyone.

It isn’t until Cloud gets thrown through a roof and into her world that she switches moral alignments to something closer to a Neutral Good. Later in the game, when Aerith joins the party, she just tries to do what she thinks is the right thing to do in any situation. That is the sign of a True Neutral force.

5 TRUE NEUTRAL: Reno & Rude

Reno and Rude make for good antagonists in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. They pose a good challenge for players and actively try to defeat AVALANCHE. The thing about these characters though is that they are just following orders, perfectly representing the True Neutral party.

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They may be trying to take down AVALANCHE and they may sometimes succeed, but they ultimately are just following their orders. They may show signs of defiance and feel guilt about their actions but at the end of the day, they don’t care enough to go against their leaders.


Coming down the highway sporting a mohawk and a motorcycle built to battle is none other than Roche. He is a 3-C SOLDIER who can’t help but mess with others that look powerful on the streets of Midgar. Though the encounters with him are rather short, he makes for a solid break from the standard Shinra soldiers and puts up a great fight.

It’s quite obvious that he doesn’t necessarily care about following orders, but is just looking for a fight to amuse himself. For this, he gets to ride on with a True Neutral tag.


Switching to the Evil side of the spectrum is Hojo and his crazy experiments. He doesn’t care about human life or anything but himself, showing no remorse for the damage he causes while actively continuing to experiment even when things go wrong for him.

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He isn’t a man you’d ever want to be caught with and for good reason. He is a psychopath, but a useful evil force to drive the plot forward. There is no doubt that he gets the Chaotic Evil designation.

2 CHAOTIC EVIL: Heidegger

Heidegger is another of the game’s antagonists whose goal is to destroy AVALANCHE, and boy does he make a solid attempt. Our lovable gang of eco-terrorists run into him pretty early on in the remake due to him being the director of public security at Shinra.  He essentially plays cat and mouse with the group and never lets up.

Thanks to him having President Shinra’s trust, he gets free-range to do whatever he thinks is best which, doesn’t turn out well. For this and the trouble he causes with his wave of destruction, he gets the Chaotic Evil stamp of approval.

1 NEUTRAL EVIL: Sephiroth

Sephiroth is the big baddie that everyone knows and loves. He is the ultimate force trying to destroy the planet and has no remorse for devastating anyone who gets in his way. He seems like a rather Chaotic Evil force, but he should really be considered Neutral Evil.

What Sephiroth ultimately wants is power and he doesn’t care about what happens to Shinra in the process. Due to this, he absolutely gets put into the neutral evil category. Maybe he should try to care about someone else!

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