When the team behind Final Fantasy 7 Remake sat down for a recent interview with the Square Enix blog, they received a question asking why they decided to change Sephiroth’s introduction. And in response, Producer Yoshinori Kitase reiterated a rather peculiar inspiration behind Sephiroth’s character.

RELATED: How Sephiroth’s Role Has Changed in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

According to Kitase, Steven Spielberg’s hit movie, Jaws, inspired Sephiroth. Kitase enjoyed the way the movie handled the shark. He liked how it didn’t reveal the monster right off of the bat, and instead built it up as this terrifying presence through indirect elements such as referrals made by the characters. Kitase took this same approach with Sephiroth when it came to the original Final Fantasy 7.

And the reason why the team didn’t use this same method again in Final Fantasy 7 Remake is actually quite simple: Sephiroth is just too famous a character now. The original game had the luxury of introducing FF7’s cast with a clean slate. No one playing the game knew who the characters were, so it could build Sephiroth up the same way Jaws did the shark.

But now Sephiroth’s anonymity is gone. Everyone knows who he is, even people who’ve never played FF7 until Remake, so trying to build him up by “hiding him” as Kitases puts it, wouldn’t work. So Remake didn’t bother.

Instead, the game introduces Sephiroth right off the bat as a hallucination experienced by Cloud. While this approach may not be as effective as the original introduction, it still works in establishing Sephiroth as an ominous entity. And it does so because Remake has an advantage over the original title: its graphics. It can display character emotion better than the original ever could.

When players are introduced to Cloud’s character in Remake, nothing phases him. He keeps a calm and relaxed demeanor through everything. He isn’t phased by the idea of dying in a fiery explosion while and he and Barret escape from a soon-to-explode Mako Reactor, and he isn’t even phased by the chaos in Midgar after the reactor explodes. The story establishes very clearly that Cloud is a hardened killer.

However, the moment Cloud simply hallucinates Sephiroth for the first time, his confidence crumbles. The very idea that Sephiroth could be alive terrifies him to the point of shaking. This reveal allows the player to understand just how imposing Sephiroth is. And thus, the approach works for both players that have in-depth knowledge of Sephiroth’s character, and those that simply know him through his infamy.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available now on the PlayStation 4.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7: Sephiroth’s Role in the Remake Explained

Source: Square Enix Blog