For the most part it is relatively easy to make it through all the matches, including Hard Mode. The only one who puts up a real challenge is the final fight with Chadley to earn the trophy Condor Queen. Follow the guide below to blow Chadley out of the water. Once one understands the strategy, the bout becomes simple.

Reaching Chadley

In order to unlock this fight, one must first beat every other competitor in Fort Condor on both Normal and Hard Mode. As long as one remembers and pays attention to which units are strong against which, there should be no issue beating the other players.

On Hard Mode save magic for taking out bases and generally play aggressively. As long as Yuffie takes out the enemy base first, it does not matter how much hers is taking.

Preparing For Chadley

Upon making it to Chadley, here are the main things to do when preparing for the fight

Use the Grandmaster Board earned from beating Chadley on Normal Mode. There are only five troops available to use, but this is actually an advantage. The gauge charges fast enough so the player can spawn units quickly. Additionally, the magic spells are essential to victory

And here are the following units to use during the fight

Guard Dog S. Gun Prototype Riot Trooper Slug-Ray Security Officer

These are all beginner troops and it might not seem like the proper loadout, but with most of the units only taking two ATB bars to fill up, it is easy to spawn units quickly. Overwhelming Chadley is the key to achieving victory

Beating Chadley

When the round starts, spawn a Guard Dog on the right side of the play field. If Chadley spawns a single unit like a Helitrooper on the other side, pay it no mind; Yuffie’s outpost can take care of it quickly. Then, spawn a Riot Trooper. At this point Chadley will probably spawn a barracks or facility. When he does this, spawn whichever unit is counter to them. For example, spawn vanguard soldiers (the red sword icon) if he puts down a Ray-Slug facility. As long as the pressure is kept up with spawning units consistently, Yuffie should be able to keep her place on the board.

Once the first outpost is defeated, units will focus on the headquarters. At this point it is time to breakout the magic. If there are a lot of Chadley’s units surrounding the headquarters, cast Stop to give Yuffie’s units time to get close. Then keep the attacks up and use the offensive magic spells on the headquarters. Using both magic spells should already take out half of the headquarter’s health. As long as the similar strategy is kept up, victory will be there in no time.

Next: How To Beat The Gigantepede Boss In Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s Yuffie DLC