The simple, not-really-spoilery answer is that Whispers are arbiters and agents of fate, existing with the sole purpose to ensure that fate and destiny play out as intended. They will do anything to protect it, showcasing insane power such as the ability to protect and save life. Their role is vital in understanding the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, so once again, SPOILERS FOLLOW.

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FF7 Remake: The Whispers, Arbiters of Fate

They appear at several points in the game to accomplish said role; the very first, for example, is when Cloud meets Aerith. They attempt to scare Aerith off, as in the original, she’s leaves before Shinra arrives. When Barret is stabbed by Sephiroth, the Whispers protect his life, and when Professor Hojo is confronted by Cloud, Strife gets dragged away by Whispers after learning the truth of his Soldier background. Basically, Whispers appear in the game whenever events diverge from the original, in a really meta manner. They are remnants of the prior game, for example, trying to ensure that events unfold as they did previously in the original FF7.

This creates a brand new Final Fantasy 7 timeline, one in which the original game occurred and the new one in which the current game takes place. In yet another meta moment, it is revealed that Sephiroth is aware of this, knowing at least in part what happened originally such as the iconic death of Aerith. He even knows that he’s defeated, so this puts him at odds with the Whispers, causing him to set up the party effectively to go into combat with the Whisper Harbinger.

Ultimately, of course, Sephiroth and Cloud end up at odds, with the two interpreting destiny differently. This, along with the variety of changes in the game, leads into a very different future by the end of FF7 Remake.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2: The Whispers and Destiny

The Whispers and the events surround them effectively come to an end in the first game, but not without huge implications. It’s clear that their defeat means the next game, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2, could easily diverge farther from the original game than even the first part. Visions shown, for example, (and not detailed here) suggest that some characters that should be dead are, in fact, alive and well, and that events many would expect to still be canon, such as Crisis Core and Advent Children, are not likely so.

In short, the Whispers and their role in the story serve as a meta mechanic that reset the story. They put the “remake” into Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and truth be told, it would be interesting to see if it the second part didn’t carry a new name to reflect that, instead of just being part 2.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is out now for PS4.

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