Final Fantasy 7 Remake takes the Midgar portion of the original Final Fantasy 7 game and stretches it out over the course of 30 to 40 hours to make a full game experience. The character development, atmosphere, and more are all perfect, but the combat has managed to bamboozle many a gamer. To start, players should familiarize themselves with these tips before heading back in and trying to learn the ins and outs of each character and enemy.

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Avoiding Damage is Impossible

A lot of games these days have conditioned players into avoiding damage at whatever cost, often because methods of healing are limited or expensive in some way. Games like Dark Souls punish the player severely for taking too much damage, and that idea has been cemented in the heads of many. Final Fantasy 7 Remake, on the other hand, subverts this concept. Players will take damage in fights, especially against bosses but even against random encounters at times. In order to do well, players need to expect this damage, blocking where possible to minimize it, and use the numerous sources of healing available to them in order to counteract it.

Don’t Hoard Items

Another common theme among gamers is that they like to hoard items. Even if they have 100 potions, there is an inexplicable urge to save them because they “might need them later.” This kind of thinking works in a lot of games, even if it is somewhat counter productive, but it will not fly in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Because the player will be taking damage throughout their time in the game, they will have to heal, and the mountains of potions and ethers given to the player throughout their playthrough are not there for no reason. Especially when trying to conserve MP for boss fights, using potions to heal up between fights can be quite helpful.

Assess, Assess, Assess…

The Assess Materia is obtained early on as a gift from Chadley, and is easy to overlook. That said, effective use of this Materia will help players quite a bit. Using the Assess Materia not only informs the player of a creature’s HP, but also of any weaknesses or resistances they may have to certain elements, what rewards they will give upon defeat, and perhaps most importantly, a detailed analysis of the best way to fight an enemy. Shinra Shock Troopers, for example, can be a huge pain to deal with. Only after using the Assess Materia does it become clear that they dodge all attacks unless they themselves are in the middle of attacking. Furthermore, at level 2, the Assess Materia assesses all enemies in a battle.

Use All Characters

Though it may seem much easier to simply stick with Cloud during fights, things will go much smoother if the player switches frequently and uses all of their characters. Each member of the party provides unique strengths and knowing when to use who can play a vital role in securing victory. Beyond this, simply managing resources (namely the ATB gauge and MP) can help to ensure that no one member of the party is idling around.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available now exclusively for PS4.

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