Shortly after landing through the roof of the church, Cloud will be greeted by Aerith once again. If players thought they were getting a break after removing parts from the Airbuster and still barely surviving the fight, they are in for a surprise. Reno will burst through the doors and Cloud will need to defend The Flower Girl. He’s no pushover, but this guide has all the tips needed to navigate the fight and take down the Turk.

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How to Beat Reno

Reno doesn’t come alone. He brings along a few friends, but they can easily be taken out either through sheer force or by exploiting their weakness to fire. It should be noted that all humans are weak to fire in this game–just like in real life. This means players should come packing some heat in the form of Fire Materia, and it wouldn’t hurt to pair that with an elemental Materia to amp up the firepower on basic attacks.

Once those bozos are out of the way, it’s time to focus on Reno himself. First off, don’t use Lightning attacks because he resists those. After that, it’s mostly a matter of understanding Reno’s patterns and avoiding attacks. When he dashes, players can flip over his head easily enough and dole out some damage, but if his dash has a trail of electricity, players will want to dodge out of the way completely. If successful, go in for a combo afterward. He also throws out balls of lightning players will want to avoid.

Eventually, he tosses some EM Mines into the mix that will follow players around the stage. This signals that the second phase of the fight has begun. Take these things out quickly or Reno will hurl them, forcing players to quickly dodge them while also avoiding the boss. Triple Slash helps a lot by hitting a few mines in one move, but try not to get hit when they’re passing electricity or prepare for a shock. Keep avoiding Reno’s attacks and taking out his EM Mines–while also liberally throwing out fire spells whenever possible–and he’ll go down. Oh, and try not to step on the flowers.

After the fight, Cloud and Aerith will make a break for it. Along the way, players will see materia they can’t reach just yet. But don’t worry. Eventually, players will be able to double back and get the church materia. This is still pretty early on in the game, after all. There will be opportunities in future chapters to collect things that are not collectible at the time. Additionally, Reno will not be the only Turk that Cloud will have to face. That also comes in later chapters. There are, after all, many chapters in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available now for PS4.

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