The Final Fantasy games focus on RPG mechanics but take place in different worlds and scenarios. This has allowed the games to change with the gaming climate and adapt to trends. Recent titles saw the introduction of real-time fighting, but remaking a classic title offers the challenge of integrating contemporary elements with beloved characters. There is still a great deal of speculation of how characters will change in the future Final Fantasy 7 parts but many have already noticed small changes in the names that are included.

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In an interview on the Final Fantasy site, Toriyama covered a range of topics from the soundtrack of the game to the frequent appearance of cats. However, one question was about the naming of Cloud’s mother and Tifa’s Father. Cloud’s mother has taken the name Claudia and Tifa’s father is called Brian in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Interestingly Toriyama revealed that “They both had names in the original FF7 character design documents, so we decided to use them in remake.” This seems to be a logical reason to give the characters slightly more depth but perhaps the most shocking part of the names is the nickname the team used for Brian.

The team referred to Cloud’s dad as a “dead body”  because the character has no dialogue. Nonetheless, this seems to be particularly dark humor considering the nature of his death. While these name additions are only small, many will now wonder what other elements will see more detail in the remake. Previous snippets from the developer have suggested that they are being careful with the Final Fantasy 7 Remake to deliver a satisfying experience for newcomers and fans so it will be interesting what trivia is added in the next part.

Many are interested in how the Final Fantasy 7 Remake can continue to add depth to the lore of the game it will likely be a hit. However, some fans are worried about too many narrative changes and with this in mind, the development team not only have to balance satisfying and innovative gameplay but also expectation.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available now on PS4.

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Source: Final Fantasy