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Though he may not want to, it is the charismatic nature of those he meets that brings out the best in Cloud. Beneath his mysterious demeanor lies a charming young man who seeks friendship and love, but his past often restricts him from showcasing it. Though Cloud contributes very little to Final Fantasy 7 Remake regarding the spoken word, he still delivers some of the best lines in the series.

10 “I Ain’t Your Bro.”

Wedge, a charming Avalance member, seeks friendship with Cloud, but Cloud is initially hesitant. He spends the majority of his time in the game attempting to get closer to Cloud as he respects him, but Cloud has very little interest in pursuing a friendship with him.

Wedge has a habit of referring to Cloud as his “Bro,” a word Cloud has little love for. After being called a “Bro” countless times, Cloud responds with “I Ain’t Your Bro,” but Wedge never acknowledges Cloud’s disdain for the word. Cloud wants to portray himself as a loner, so having someone refer to him as “Bro” could easily tarnish his reputation.

9 “I Don’t Dance.”

While infiltrating the second Mako Reactor of the game, a trap is sprung on the party in which they must unlock a series of doors to escape. As the gang unlocks more doors, Barret’s confidence in defeating Shinra grows. He is so proud that he asks Cloud for a dance, to which Cloud responds with “I don’t dance.”

What makes this line even more amusing is the fact that, though he claims he cannot dance, Cloud delivers a jaw-dropping performance at the Honey Bee Inn a few chapters later in the game.

8 “Get Help.”

Barret’s drive to protect the planet is unrivaled. One of the first conversations between him and Cloud focuses on the topic of Shinra and the damage the company does to the planet as it drains its life essence.

He asks Cloud if he can hear the painful cries of the planet as its life is drained. Cloud responds by asking Barret if he truly hears these supposed voices and then suggests that he “Get help” if he can. This line paints Cloud as an irritable man with no patience for nonsense, a trait he begins to reject as the story progresses.

7 “I’ll Cut ‘Em Off.”

After disguising himself to gain access to Don Corneo’s mansion, Cloud confronts the infamous Don on why he sent men to Sector 7. The Don is reluctant to divulge this information and insists he had nothing to do with it, but Tifa, Cloud, and Aerith quickly change his mind.

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Tifa commands the Don to “Spill the beans, or…” before Cloud interjects with “I’ll cut ’em off,” a threat he intends to make good on. Don Corneo is perhaps the vilest character present throughout the entirety of Final Fantasy, so Cloud’s shocking threat is a welcome one to the player.

6 “Nailed It, I Know. Thank You. Moving On.”

To gain access to Don Corneo’s mansion, Cloud is forced to undergo a cosmetic change. After attracting the attention of Andrea Rhodea, the owner of the Honey Bee Inn, Cloud is invited to perform with him on stage. Upon completing the dancing mini-game, Andrea gives Cloud a makeover and a dress to attract the Don’s affection.

Cloud loses consciousness in the mansion but wakes up with Tifa unknowingly staring at him. Upon realizing that Cloud is beneath the disguise, she frantically compliments his makeup and dress before Cloud halts her with “Nailed it, I know. Thank you. Moving on.” The embarrassment Cloud displays here is nothing short of hilarious due to his typical quiet confidence.

5 “You Owe Me A Pizza.”

Jessie Raspberry is fatally wounded during Shinra’s attack on the Sector 7 plate. As Tifa and Cloud make their way to the plate’s control panel, they encounter Jessie’s near lifeless body and attempt to make her more comfortable before she passes.

Jessie remarks in her dying breaths that she wished she could have brought everyone to her family’s house for dinner, to which Cloud responds with “You owe me a pizza” as she insisted on making him one before her untimely demise. This line, though out of place, highlights Cloud’s empathetic nature. He attempts to conceal his true emotions behind lighthearted banter but only so much can be hidden.

4 “I Don’t Think The Stairs Are Talking.”

If the player opts to climb the stairs of the Shinra building as opposed to taking the elevator, they will be gifted some of the best dialogue present in the game. During the 59 floor-ascent, Barret and Cloud exchange several passive-aggressive comments.

While nearing the end of their ascent, Barret asks if the torment he is experiencing will ever end. Tifa encourages him to ask the stairs, while Cloud points out how he does not “think the stairs are talking.” Barret takes his response literally before Cloud explains it was a simple joke. Cloud allows more of his humor to show as the story progresses, a personality trait that makes him far more likable than he was at the beginning of the game.

3 “Barret…I’m Asking You. Please.”

The relationship between Cloud and Barret is oftentimes a strained one, but their journey throughout the story of Final Fantasy 7 Remake allows them to form a strong bond. Though they spend a great deal of the narrative throwing sly insults at each other, they both slowly begin to respect one another.

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On the roof of Shinra Headquarters, Cloud asks Barret to take Aerith and get out of there. Barret insists on staying, but Cloud begs him to go. The beginning of the game would have seen Cloud hiding these honest words behind his elusive demeanor, but his guard has been broken down due to the experiences with his friends.

2 “Learn To Talk To Her.”

After meeting Aerith in the Sector 5 Slums, Cloud insists on escorting her home. Though he initially has no interest in forming a connection with her, the time they spend together performing jobs and picking flowers weakens his resolve.

While out in her garden, Cloud catches Aerith talking to flowers. He asks what they said to her, but Aerith insists they said nothing. She goes on to explain that the flowers have something important to tell the planet, but something must be done before they can. While they leave, Cloud encourages the flowers to “Learn to talk to her,” revealing that, though talking to flowers seems absurd to him, he will embrace it if it will make Aerith happy.

1 “Ex-SOLDIER. I quit.”

Having spent the majority of the game claiming to be a SOLDIER, Cloud encounters Rufus Shinra, a man who he cannot lie about his placement in the military. Rufus asks if Cloud is a SOLDIER before implying that, if he is, that would mean he owns him. Cloud smirks at Rufus and insists that he is not.

This line highlights how much Cloud has grown. Once a frightened boy who hid behind arbitrary titles, Cloud has become confident enough in himself to be honest with others about who he is, even if it is the president of a company that is hellbent on destroying the planet.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is currently available on PC, PS4, and PS5.

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