
Bahamut is a strong summon character that appears in several FF games. This dragon has a long history in the Final Fantasy series, and his appearance in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake is not a surprise. Of all the summons that players can grab in this first chapter of the remake, he is the most powerful and is the most difficult to defeat.

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Like many of the other summon materia in the new Final Fantasy 7, players have to battle him in the VR battles through Chadley. Through this prolific NPC side quest giver, players can battle against Shiva, Fat Chocobo, Leviathan, and Bahamut and gain their materia to add to their party. Bahamut appears after players can completed the 19th Battle Intel Report.

Preparing for the Bahamut Battle

Before hopping into battle with this dangerous dragon, players will want to ensure that they are prepared as possible. Players can’t be too prepared for this; Bahamut is not easy to beat unless Cloud and party goes into the battle with some prep. First, players will want to max out their levels and max out their weapons; make sure Tifa and Cloud have the best possible weapons they can. Being level 50 is a big help; players need a lot of HP to stave off some of Bahmut’s bigger attacks. Having 7k or more HP is a necessity as well as a lot of great materia that has been leveled up too.

Healing is a must - Players will want to make sure that their healing materia and revive materia are completely leveled up. Boosting materia - MP Up, Magic Up, HP Up, Luck Up are all great for this battle and will help give players the edge they need against Bahamut. Magnify - Allows cure spells to hit all friendly targets. This materia is easy-to-miss in Chapter 9. Strongest Summon - Whatever player’s strongest summon, put that on to get some extra help.

Unlike some of the other battles players have done, Bahamut doesn’t have an elemental weakness, unlike Shiva and Ifrit. He’s an extremely well-balanced character, and one that Cloud and friends will want on their side.

The Fight

The battle against Bahamut is a race to see who can do more damage, Cloud or the Summon. Cloud and Tifa will be the best melee while Aerith makes for a great magical support unit. Make sure to give her MP UP, Cure, and Magnify to make sure that she can give the other two the support they need to win.

All of Bahamut’s main attacks will have to be blocked as opposed to evaded. Make sure to be ready to block any time the dragon begins an attack, with one big exception: Megaflare. Players will know when he’s about to Megaflare because he will countdown from 5. Once he reaches zero, players will be dead no matter what they do. The Megaflare just does more damage than Final Fantasy 7 Remake players have. So they will have to break the attack instead. As he counts down, do everything in the party’s power to stagger him out of the attack.

Once Bahamut is staggered, use Unbridled Strength with Tifa’s amazing fighting moves and smash against the dragon until he’s defeated.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available for PlayStation 4 only.

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Source:, IGN