Despite the facelift, most of the story remains the same except for major changes towards the conclusion. Players also get a clearer picture of Avalanche, the group Cloud works with for the duration of the campaign. While they remain recognizable from the original 1997 masterpiece, several differences do show up. Players will likely learn more as future entries in the remake release.

10 Different: Bigger

In the original Final Fantasy VII Avalanche appears to be no larger than Cloud’s immediate company. Anything larger is only implied and later confirmed by spin-offs. In Final Fantasy VII Remake it is quickly made clear that Barret’s outfit is just a sliver of the whole Avalanche pie, and they are even considered outcasts among the larger organization. Even so, the larger group save Barret, Cloud, and the others on a couple of occasions.

9 Same: They Are Terrorists

It can be easy to forget this, but a large portion of the game consists of committing acts of terrorism. Shinra may be evil, but blowing up the reactors endangers and even ends innocent lives. Barret sees it as a necessary evil and feels little remorse for his actions. It is a fairly radical idea for a game from 2020; it is evil wilder after seeing his similar attitude in the 1997 original.

8 Different: Wedge Lives

One of the most intense parts of the original game is the attack on the sector 7 plate, which results in Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie biting the dust. The attack occurs in the remake also, but Wedge and Biggs live through the ordeal.

By the end of the game Biggs’ fate is unknown, but Wedge is seen recovering. A glove in the same shot of Wedge also implies that Jessie is perhaps still alive too.

7 Same: Core Crew

The core crew of Avalanche players interact with remains the same. In addition to Tifa and Barret, Wedge, Biggs, and Jessie also returned for the ride. These supporting characters receive significantly more time in the spotlight, letting players in on their personal lives, goals, and dreams. It makes their demises all the more impactful. Fortunately, they all have a chance to return in the future.

6 Different: They Work With Wutai

Not only is a bigger Avalanche more involved in the story, but they also seem like a bigger threat to Midgar and Shinra. Apparently they have a deal with Wutai to help them in exchange for the Materia in Midgar. The war with Wutai is mentioned in the original game, but it receives more attention in the remake and seems to have bigger ramifications. It makes one wonder if Wutai will play an important role in the future games.

5 Same: Their Goals

Avalanche is focused on saving the planet through any means necessary. The group believes violence and destruction of property is justifiable if it means helping the environment. This remains the same from the original game. The group was a large departure from the series at the time, which usually dealt with warring kingdoms in high-fantasy settings instead of a dystopian future where a corporation was destroying the planet through energy consumption.

4 Difference: Rufus Shinra

This is not explained in the original game, but the Before Crisis mobile game reveals that Rufus Shinra funds Avalanche. It is difficult to say if this is canon, however, especially since the game is impossible to access these days. Maybe the game will receive a re-release sometime in the future, or the events will be fully retconned. As of now, there is no indication of Rufus having any friendly connection with Avalanche.

3 Same: Seventh Heaven

Barret’s ragtag group operates from Seventh Heaven, just like in the 1997 PlayStation classic. Players see it early in both games, quickly after the opening mission. Tifa works here as a bartender and helps the group while also taking care of Marlene.

However, there is also the larger Avalanche group, and we do not know where their headquarters are located. They’ll probably come back in the future and we will learn more about them.

2 Different: Shinra Makes The Explosions Bigger

This is one of the biggest changes overall, and even had some fans questioning the remake’s dedication in the opening hours. In the opening bombing run, Shinra makes the explosion significantly larger and causes more collateral damage than Jessie planned. Players see the stress it causes Jessie when she realizes she may have killed innocent people. While some of the characters question their methods in the original, it is never as dramatic as it is in the remake.

1 Same: Opening Bombing Run

Final Fantasy VII has one of the most iconic openings of any RPG. In a genre known for slow introductions, the 1997 game starts off with a bang as players attack a Shinra reactor and face the first boss within twenty minutes of starting the journey. Final Fantasy VII Remake starts off the same way, with Cloud helping Avalanche blow up the mako reactor. It is expanded upon, but still recognizable as the mission from the older game, complete with the same boss fight.

Next: 10 Hidden Locations Only Experts Found In Final Fantasy VII Remake On The PS4