On paper they are absolutely detestable, but people love them anyway. Perhaps it is due to their dashing good looks. Alternatively, maybe it is the bevy of memes dedicated to their lighter side, the 10 funniest of which are listed below — and will make anyone forget about all those times they killed tons of innocent people.

10 His True Beauty Is Revealed

The blocky polygons of the PlayStation couldn’t correctly translate Reno’s stunning face. His striking attractiveness lies in the the subtle details, something the technological limitations of Sony’s first console could not show. Any player angry at him in 1997 for losing too often at the boss fight could at least find solace in cursing him to never have a lover. After seeing him in Advent Children and Final Fantasy VII Remake, there’s no way he couldn’t knock anyone off their feet.

9 How The Mighty Have Fallen

President Rufus Shinra used to live at the highest point in Midgar. By the time Advent Children comes around, he is hiding in a small house next to a chocobo farm with the Turks. While it seems like a major downgrade, he probably appreciates just being alive. He survived taking direct hit from Diamond Weapon’s cannons in the original game.

8 Rule Number One: Never Touch The Glass

Rude seems to be one of the nicer Turks, going so far as to ruin Reno’s shot in Final Fantasy VII Remake when he is about to hit Tifa. But Rude still has his limits, and he will go berserk if anyone messes with his glasses. It probably does not effect his vision, but it is the centerpiece of his style, and Rude is clearly all about aesthetic.

7 Leap Of Faith

Rufus leaps off a building in Advent Children and fully believes the Turks will catch him. Believing his employees will try and soften his fall is one thing, but expecting humans to catch someone falling hundreds of feet without life-threatening injury is another issue altogether. Perhaps the president feels invincible after his brush with death at the end of disc two in Final Fantasy VII.

6 And He’s Not Even Trying

Just about every character is designed to be as conventionally attractive as possible, but Reno still stands out among the pack as a particularly gorgeous character.

At least anyone jealous of his effortless style can at least take solace knowing he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Advent Children portrays him as a bumbling fool barely making it out of scrapes with Sephiroth’s Remnants.

5 It’s Called Fashion

Final Fantasy VII takes place in a completely different world. As such, the fashion sensibilities are unlike what people find on Earth. Rufus probably paid a designer good money to come up with this odd wardrobe ⁠— which is probably uncomfortable and likely catches itself in doors, elevators, and escalators.

4 The Resemblance Is Uncanny

Well, it looks like they’ve already got their cast for the live-action movie. Alas, Gerard Way does not look like this anymore, so casting would have to find someone else or invent a time machine. For Rude, however, giving singer Pitbull a few acting lessons should do the trick. If that doesn’t pan out, they could always go with Vin Diesel. The Fast and Furious Star looks like Pitbull and is a gamer himself.

3 Where Did The Color Go?

A common complaint lobbied at more modern video game aesthetics is the lack of color. Even though the image on the left is from the animated film, Advent Children, the color scheme applies to many video games during and after the PS3 generation. It could be on purpose, however, since Shinra’s operations suck the life out of the planet, removing the lively greens of the forests and the blues of the oceans.

2 Stupid Is The New Sexy

Reno has a whole new personality in Advent Children, fumbling his way through the runtime. The only reason he is still alive by the end is thanks to his superior combat skills.

Perhaps they thought a clumsier Reno would make audiences like him more. Considering the amount of memes focusing on him, it seems the plan paid off. After all, people still love both him and Rude even though they directly caused Sector 7’s plate to collapse.

1 More Suits, More Style

Either whoever picks out Rufus’ clothing is playing some kind of mean prank or it is extremely cold in the Shinra Building. There’s really no other reason to be wearing so many different suits at the same time. Since this shot is from Advent Children, perhaps the amount of shirts and jackets has to do with his injuries. Maybe he doesn’t want to show off how bandaged up he is.

Next: 10 Best Female Characters In Final Fantasy VII, Ranked