There are many different reasons that people love the game, whether it’s the story, action, or characters. Tifa Lockhart is one of the most popular characters from Final Fantasy 7, but she’s someone with a lot more depth than many players think.

10 Relatable: She Appreciates Nature

There are so many seismic moments throughout Final Fantasy 7’s massive story that it’s amazing to see how the smaller moments resonate so much. Cloud gets gifted with a flower and who he decides to give it to has major emotional repercussions for everyone involved.

Tifa’s response to Cloud’s simple gesture is very touching. It shows the softness under any tough fronts that she puts up. It’s such a humanizing moment and behind all of the combat and oppression, it’s such a simple way to show off their bond.

9 Not Relatable: She Topples An Empire

Final Fantasy 7’s Tifa is part of an incredibly powerful party, but despite how she represents a grounded part of that group, she still achieves amazing things. Tifa’s down to Earth nature makes her easy to understand, but it doesn’t change the fact that she still helps change the world.

Tifa’s actions with Avalanche help take down the oppressive Shinra and allow a new future for the citizens of Midgar. It’s a major victory that pushes her into more superlative territory and even though she remains humble, she’s still pushed into the spotlight.

8 Relatable: She’s In A Complicated Love Triangle

Tifa is a character that takes on some insurmountable challenges and at times she seems utterly fearless in her resolve. However, at the same time this moment in her life sees Tifa plagued in an emotional love melodrama between Cloud and the various women in his life. The fact that Tifa has to negotiate through her feelings while dealing with all of this danger is incredibly relatable and human. What’s so interesting here is that Tifa feels the most removed from this drama, only for it to pull her in when she least suspects it.

7 Not Relatable: She Wields Materia And Summons

The Final Fantasy games are heralded for their gigantic stories and engaging characters, but at the end of the day it’s the battle systems and combat that are going to determine whether they’re enjoyable. Tifa isn’t packing a ton of physical strength or magical abilities, but the structure of the Final Fantasy games still mean that Tifa gets to wield material to make her more powerful and execute unbelievable summons. Taking these out of the equation would be unforgivable, but it does make Tifa a little more outrageous than her backstory dictates.

6 Relatable: She Has A Selfless Cause That She’s Passionate About

Something that’s so appealing about the cast of characters in Final Fantasy 7 is that many of them are underdogs involved with a resistance operation to take down the oppressive man. Tifa is especially passionate about Avalanche and the difference that she makes through her work and is devastated when she sees how they’ve been manipulated. These strong convictions are very relevant and make her a character who’s easy to connect with. It’s a fragile point of view that can often be lacking in an RPG.

5 Not Relatable: She Knows How To Use Extravagant Weapons

A large part of the Final Fantasy series revolves around properly stocking the party, whether that means making sure their equipment is up to snuff, or that they have the most powerful weapons available. Tifa’s skills largely stay limited to her fists, but Final Fantasy 7 takes a number of liberties with this. Equipment like Sonic Strikers push the boundaries of hand-to-hand combat and her teamwork with the rest of her party shows that she’s comfortable around massive explosives and sheer power that would terrify others.

4 Relatable: She’s From A Small Life And Yearns For Something Bigger

The Final Fantasy series is set in such unbelievable and vast lands that it can often be difficult to connect with the different lives of these characters. Final Fantasy 7 begins in a markedly more urban and modern environment and tackles the relatable malaise of wanting to escape your surroundings and strive for greater things. Tifa’s not royalty or the subject of a prophecy, but just a regular person who runs a bar and handles the nitty gritty of business, yet she’s still allowed to be a hero here.

3 Not Relatable: She’s A Highly Skilled Fighter

The fact that Tifa’s area of expertise in combat is with her hands is a good way to contrast her to some of the more superpowered members of the group. However, Tifa’s skills as a fighter are far beyond a standard boxer or MMA fighter. In fact, she truly pushes the limits of these skills where what was originally a relatable trait turns into an unbelievable one. Tifa still gets equipped with immense power that would give a standard fighter pause. Final Fantasy 7 turns Tifa’s fists into lethal weapons, which may be going too far for some.

2 Relatable: She’s Not Invincible

Final Fantasy has a tendency to reach very extreme heights, especially as the bosses become more ridiculous. The protagonists in these games can reach superhero-like powers, but Tifa avoids these clichés. Despite the fact that she’s a commendable fighter, her skills are grounded and never get too absurd. Furthermore, while Cloud can sometimes feel invincible, there’s actual fear that surrounds Tifa and her fate is less certain. She may not be the major casualty of the game, but her safety still leads to a lot of tension in the title.

1 Not Relatable: Her Use Of Limit Breaks

Final Fantasy 7 has a fulfilling and slick combat system at its disposal, but one of the most satisfying moments in battle is when characters engage in amazing displays of action known as Limit Breaks. These brutal maneuvers are some of the best ways to eliminate enemies and they’re stunning displays to take in. Tifa is supposed to be a relatively grounded fighter, yet she can still engage in Limit Breaks, which turn her into an acrobatic combat genius that looks invincible.

Next: Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Tifa Vs. Jessie For Best Girl