The success of the recent Final Fantasy 7 Remake also shows that love for the title is still very strong. There’s a lot to enjoy in the formative RPG, but the title’s protagonist, Cloud Strife, covers a lot of ground and is easily one of the most fascinating things about the game.

10 Relatable: He’s Not Elegant With His Emotions

There are many expectations over what a hero should be and much of the enjoyment in Final Fantasy titles comes down to who the player is in control of for the bulk of the experience. Cloud isn’t a blank slate like some protagonists, but he has a lot on his mind and it’s interesting to see how Final Fantasy 7 explores his emotions.

A crucial part of the title revolves around Cloud’s romantic interests and who he wants to be his suitor. The sloppy way in which he navigates these dates shows a much more humble side of this hero.

9 Not Relatable: His Use Of The Buster Sword

The Final Fantasy titles are set in outlandish lands and are full of ferocious monsters and enemies who want to slow down the heroes’ progress. Battle is a big part of these RPGs and the Final Fantasy games try to have lots of extravagant weaponry to help the heroes in their combat.

Many of the weapons in Final Fantasy 7 seem impossible in nature, but Cloud’s signature weapon, the Buster Sword, really pushes logistics. It’s a behemoth of a blade that’s bigger than Cloud himself. It’s easily the biggest thing about Cloud that separates him from the common man.

8 Relatable: He Wants To Build An Identity

Cloud Strife is in a fragile state for most of Final Fantasy 7. Cloud, more so than others, finds himself at war with who he thinks he is and what he’s actually turned into because of his past. Cloud wants to do good, but his trust has been manipulated.

Cloud is emotionally frayed over the brainwashing that he’s experienced during his time with SOLIDER and he has a mental breakdown when he discovers the truth. Cloud just wants to figure out who he really is and make decisions that are truly his own, which is not a lot to ask.

7 Not Relatable: His Psychic Connection With Sephiroth

Cloud is a strong protagonist in Final Fantasy 7 that has a lot to accomplish, but the mental toll that he experiences is staggering, and the moments where he gets a chance to reflect on everything highlight just how grand the stakes are here.

Cloud’s relationship with Sephiroth is complex and fluid, but Sephiroth attempts to keep tabs on him by invading his mind with foreboding visions. These visions, as well as Sephiroth’s psychic hold and connection to Cloud, is an interesting wrinkle to their dynamic, but it also pushes Cloud into more exaggerated action hero territory.

6 Relatable: He Grieves Over Loss

There are a lot of expectations that heroes need to be tough or hide their emotions, but this stoic behavior can often alienate the audience. Cloud broods for a lot of Final Fantasy 7, but it’s merely because there are so many emotions that are at war inside of him.

The grief and sadness that Cloud exhibits over the iconic death that happens in the game is one of the character’s most humanizing moments. Additionally, Last Order: Final Fantasy 7, features the death of Cloud’s mother and how that also emotionally ruins him.

5 Not Relatable: He’s An Outlaw Against An Entire Nation

Final Fantasy does an excellent job with how it handles its protagonists and the different places that it begins their stories. Cloud begins Final Fantasy 7 in a particularly complicated place since his past has ties to the villainous Shinra, but as the game gets moving he becomes their opposition.

This perspective puts a massive target on Cloud’s head and even though the entire resistance group of Avalanche is in danger, Cloud is definitely their focus and the face of their mission. His motives are honorable, but the trouble that it puts him in can be hard to connect with.

4 Relatable: He’s Jealous And Has Role Models

Final Fantasy 7 explores Cloud’s redemption and his ambition to liberate Midgar and take down SOLDIER and Shinra, but the title also shines a light on his past during his time with these organizations.

Cloud has a lot to learn during his training, but he really latches onto both Zack and Sephiroth as role models and other warriors to model himself after. Of course, the truth helps set Cloud on the right path, but the way in which he tries to become closer with Zack and Sephiroth is very human and comes from a place of insecurity.

3 Not Relatable: His Use Of Summons And Materia

The Final Fantasy games are heavily focused on battle and even the entries with the best stories are still going to suffer if the combat systems are lackluster. There are all sorts of amazing weapons and equipment to help give Cloud and company an advantage in battle, but the ultimate version of this is the use of Summons and magic to level the playing field.

Cloud may not be the most efficient with Summons, but he can still conjure some terrifying monsters, all of which make him seem like more of a superhero or wizard than a relatable everyman.

2 Relatable: He Fights The Idea Of Fate And Destiny

The Final Fantasy series is known for its epic stories and the new and imaginative worlds that they create. These old fashioned and fantastical backdrops can be hard to relate to at times, but in the case of Cloud, there’s a heavy focus on his trepidation towards the future.

Cloud is conditioned to believe that he needs to fight and devote his life to SOLDIER. Cloud struggles with this and strives for more. The circumstances may be unique, but his stress is no different than someone who doesn’t want to follow in their family’s footsteps or not have their own future.

1 Not Relatable: He’s Been Trained To Be A Weapon Of Destruction

Cloud starts Final Fantasy 7 in Midgar and looking to redeem himself over his past sins as he tries to help fix the future. However, this is a hard goal for him to achieve because of his rigorous upbringing with SOLDIER.

Cloud is trained to be a killing machine and even though he’s not SOLDIER’s strongest fighter, there’s a ton of expectations placed on him and the role that he’s supposed to fulfill going forward. It’s not quite prophecy territory, but it treats Cloud like a very important figure in all of this.

Next: Final Fantasy 7 Vs. The Remake: Which Game Is Better?