Enter Final Fantasy 15’s newest spin-off, Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition. Announced earlier today during a Square Enix Gamescom presentation, Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition will be an “all-new adventure that retells the beloved story of Final Fantasy 15.” The game will be available on iOS, Android, and Windows 10 this fall.

Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition will not just retell the story of Final Fantasy 15 in the exact same manner, however. Apparently, the game will make some changes to Noctis’ narrative, while also completely changing the art style of Final Fantasy 15. In Pocket Edition, gamers will see Noctis and friends in Japanese Chibi-style representations, an art medium that emphasizes cuteness above all. In addition to this dramatic shift in aesthetics, Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition will also be getting a 10 episode story structure, with the first episode to be made available for free later this fall.

With a PC edition of Final Fantasy 15 coming in 2018, it appears that Square Enix is making a commitment to reach fans of the series who might not own consoles, and Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition is more evidence of that decision. While there isn’t much good will currently being harbored toward Final Fantasy 15 mobile titles after both Final Fantasy 15: A New Empire and Justice Monsters Five did poorly, Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition looks like a step in the right direction that could win over a number of new fans while offering gamers a chance to “replay” the adventure in a different form.

There will be more news to come regarding Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition in the near future, but for now, it’s a promising spin-off for a game that has been desperate to make its universe more broadly appealing to fans. Pocket Edition might also be worth keeping an eye on for those interested in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, too - the way Square markets the mobile title’s episodic content could be indicative of the company’s approach to its long-awaited remaster as well.

Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition will release for Android, iOS, and Windows 10 in Fall 2017.