One of the chief concerns that fans have had about Final Fantasy XV and its Platinum Demo is in regards to the demo’s frame rate. According to Tabata, the demo used a dynamic resolution, which maxed out at 1080p. Having such a high resolution can sometimes cause frame rate issues in more demanding games, but Tabata has stressed that the demo’s technical specifications are not indicative of the final specs in the actual game. Rather, Tabata meant for the demo to give players a general idea of what to expect from the game’s world, and not to be representative of how the final product will look.

So fans worried that the final version of Final Fantasy XV will have similar frame rate problems can rest easy, but should know that it may come at the cost of higher resolutions for some platforms. Of course, PCs are generally capable of running games at higher resolutions and frame rates than home consoles, so if Square Enix decided to release Final Fantasy XV on PC, it could be the definitive version of the game when it comes to visuals.

Some fans no doubt would like the option to purchase a PC version of Final Fantasy XV. There has been talk of Final Fantasy XV coming to PC in the past, but Square Enix has yet to commit to the idea. Tabata reiterated that point in the Dengeki Online interview, stating that if there was a PC version of Final Fantasy XV, that it would release after the console versions launched this coming September.

Besides elaborating on the technical specifications of the Final Fantasy XV demo and hinting at a possible PC release, Tabata had a few other interesting tidbits to share about the game. First of all, he confirmed that Final Fantasy XV will be showcased at E3 2016, and will be playable on the show floor. There’s also a possibility that a playable version of Final Fantasy XV will be made available to the public through special events before E3 rolls around, but nothing has been finalized on that front.

Secondly, Square Enix has no plans on updating the Final Fantasy XV Platinum Demo. The previously released Final Fantasy XV demo, Episode Duscae, was updated to address fan feedback shortly after it was released. Considering the nature of the Platinum Demo, and that it is somewhat detached from what players will experience in the actual game, it makes sense that Square Enix has no plans to update it.

Finally, Tabata said that there is a possibility that Final Fantasy XV will have paid DLC post-launch. It’s unclear at this point what form that DLC could take, but one has to imagine that cosmetic DLC is a possibility, along with more traditional expansion packs.

Ultimately, Final Fantasy XV’s post-launch DLC support will probably depend largely on the game’s popularity. Square Enix hopes to see Final Fantasy XV sell 10 million units over its lifetime, and if it does reach that lofty goal, then there would be plenty of potential customers for FFXV DLC. In the meantime, fans should keep their fingers crossed for a possible FFXV PC release, and keep an eye out for more FFXV details at this year’s E3 event.

Final Fantasy XV will be available on September 30th for PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: GameSpot