As seen below in the tweet from the prolific Twitter user Wario64, the Steam version of Final Fantasy 15 will give fans the chance to receive a Half-Life Pack that includes a costume designed after the first-person shooter’s protagonist Gordon Freeman. The only way for fans to obtain the content will be to purchase the title through Valve’s digital distribution platform before May 1, 2018, with the deal presumably set to expire thereafter.

This is far from the first instance of crossover materials coming to Final Fantasy 15, as Square Enix and Ubisoft teamed up to produce Assassin’s Creed Origins content for the latest entry in the long-running RPG series. Much like with the Gordon Freeman costume coming for the PC version of the game, the Assassin’s Creed wares gave fans the ability to nab a clothing set to make the main character Noctis appear to be one of the assassins in Ubisoft’s storied action-adventure franchise.

With Final Fantasy 15 coming out for PC incredibly soon, there’s no doubt that most of the development team at Square Enix are looking to the road ahead when it comes to the franchise’s next entry. As a matter of fact, FF15’s director Hajime Tabata already teased work on a new project for “a new game design that could further explore the possibilities of AI and procedural technology,” with many speculating that it could mean a larger scale open world for the next Final Fantasy title.

Final Fantasy 15 is available now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and will launch on March 6, 2018 for PC.

Source: Wario64 – Twitter