According to Hajime Tabata, Final Fantasy 15 was able to break even on its development costs on launch day. How many copies did that require? Surprisingly, only half of what was predicted. Five million copies were needed to recoup expenses, which was a small task for the fastest selling game in the series.

It’s no secret that Final Fantasy 15 is a success, but it’s also no secret that the game had to overcome significant hurdles during its decade-long development. This is what makes its recent financial accomplishments so remarkable. It was able to bounce back after an extended stay in development hell from which no escape was always a possibility. Nevertheless, here we are and Final Fantasy 15 has managed to move around six million copies since its launch.

Of course, there has been some fallout from its troublesome development. The game’s story falls apart in its second half, prompting many to claim it was released unfinished. The complaints were significant enough to warrant Square Enix to plan patches to the game to address the issues.

One patch will improve on parts of the story that were unclear to players – such as certain character motivations – while another addresses the controversial Chapter 13, which was an excruciating section of the game for some due to its drastic change in tone and its addition of clumsy gameplay.

Square Enix is also getting ready to release a whole slew of DLC that will add new chapters, allowing players to take control of other party members for the first time in their own stories. These will fill in many of the story gaps of the main campaign – particularly portions where a party member would leave, only to return later with virtually no mention as to where they went or what they did. Additionally, there will be DLC packs that contain cosmetic items or costumes that provide special bonuses.

Final Fantasy 15 is out now on PS4 and Xbox One.