The new 5.6GB patch is now available to Final Fantasy 15 owners, and it comes in the form of two updates, Version 1.06 and Version 1.07. Whereas Version 1.07 is relatively minor and consists of only bug fixes, Version 1.06 contains the bulk of the new content and the much-awaited Chapter 13 tweak, which comes in the form of an additional level titled Chapter 13, Verse 2.

This new level is set concurrently with Final Fantasy 15’s existing Chapter 13 and it allows players the option of taking an alternate route as Gladio before rendezvousing with Noctis, which should help clear up any outstanding narrative issues while also acting as a gameplay teaser for what players can expect from the upcoming Episode Gladiolus expansion pack.

In addition to the Chapter 13 fix, Version 1.06 also contains various bug fixes and gameplay enhancements, such as the buffing of Arcana spells like Alterna, Holy, and Death, and the ability to travel across previously-inaccessible areas on the map.

1For those who took part in the photo contest during January’s Moogle Chocobo Carnival event, the 1.06 update will also reveal the winning photos from the competition, all of which can be viewed at Takka’s Pit Stop in Hammerhead. The new update will also bring a temporary conclusion to Timed Quests, which are scheduled to resume at a later date though it has not yet been revealed when exactly this will be.

Perhaps the most significant update after the Chapter 13, Verse 2 patch is the addition of new content in preparation of the upcoming Episode Gladiolus DLC, which will be arriving on March 28. Players can expect two new Episode Gladiolus-exclusive tracks to be added to the music player tracklist, as well as compatibility tweaks for when the expansion pack is released. And lastly, the Version 1.06 will make newer saves incompatible with older versions of Final Fantasy 15, so it is recommended that players update their game to the latest version.

Here’s a full list of all the Version 1.06 and 1.07 updates:

Version 1.07

Various bug fixes

Version 1.06

Addition of Chapter 13, Verse 2 (alternate route featuring Gladiolus). Enhancement of Arcana spells (Alterna, Holy, Death). Announcement of winning snapshots from first photo contest (viewable at Takka’s Pit Stop in Hammerhead). Temporary conclusion of Timed Quests (will resume at a later date). Addition of two pieces from Episode Gladiolus downloadable content to music player tracklist. Addition of compatibility with Episode Gladiolus downloadable content. Various gameplay enhancements. Various bug fixes. Updated saves will not work on former versions of the game.

It remains to be seen how the new Chapter 13, Verse 2 fix will address the various outstanding Final Fantasy 15 story issues, but there’s no denying that Square Enix is wholly committed in its post-launch support of the RPG, even if it teams tweaking the game’s established narrative in order to satisfy fans.

Final Fantasy 15 is available now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.