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While the game provides players with a wide variety of items and accessories at their disposal, one of the most sought-after items is the Magitek Suit. The suit provides players with a very useful buff that grants them a boost to health, strength, and vitality. But getting this suit is not easy and there are certain things players need to do in order to acquire this suit.

10 Lower Difficulty:

The Magitek Suit is dropped by the “MA-X Angelus o” boss after defeating it. Lowering the difficulty to “Easy” makes the encounter slightly easier and also allows players to get a very powerful buff. This buff is not otherwise accessible on higher difficulties and is necessary to defeat the boss.

Even on a lower difficulty, the “MA-X Angelus 0” provides a substantial challenge to the players and does not spoil the gameplay experience.

9 Selecting Loadout:

The main characters that will be used in this fight are Noctis and Ignis. Noctis will be the main damage-dealing character in this fight while Ignis provides useful elemental buffs boosting damage. Players will need to make an attack build and any combination of weapons that contributes towards that goal will be useful. For example, the “Axe of the Conquerer”, “Sword of the Father”, and the “Zwill Crossblades” are good weapons that can be used against the Angelus 0.

In accessories, players will need to equip bracelets that enhance their strength in the game. The “Dark Matter Bracelet” or “Blue Diamond Bracelet” or the “Diamond Bracelet” all provide the biggest strength bonus. Players can also equip the “Prince’s Fatigues” outfit without the jacket which also provides a strength bonus.

8 Food Buffs:

Players will also need another buff from consuming the “Golden Tail Soup” that guarantees critical hits. Ignis will be able to make the soup as soon as his cooking level reaches level 10. The recipe will be added automatically and the ingredients are easy to acquire.

Players can also eat the “Marrowshroom Chowder” and “Scientia-Style Sushi” as both dishes also guarantee critical hits. Critical Hits are also crucial for acquiring a very rare version of the Magitek Suit and improve its drop chance from the boss fight.

7 Location:

The best place for the encounter is the plains area between Hammerhead and The Weaverwilds. Players will find a camp nearby and can spawn Imperial Ships by just going a little bit North of their position. Any area close to the center between Hammerhead and The Weaverwilds is ideal for this encounter.

Players can take advantage of the wide-area in this location which makes it easy to dodge enemy attacks. Imperial Ships spawn in this area every 30 seconds, so players will only need to wait for Angelus 0 to spawn and then fight it.

6 Spawning:

The MA-X Angelus o is still a rare encounter and as such, players will need to try a few times before the Angelus 0 spawns. Before it does, players will need to beat “MA-X Patria” which is a similar but weaker enemy. In order to get it to spawn, players need to defeat the soldier enemies the Imperial Ships drop every 30 seconds until MA-X Patria is spawned.

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The Angelus 0 will only spawn after Patria is defeated. Players will need to make a save and then immediately load that save after they defeat MA-X Patria. If soldier enemies spawn then players must reload that save until Angelus 0 spawns and then fight it.

5 Carbuncle’s Blessing:

This only way to get this buff is to die on “Easy” difficulty. As soon as the fight with Angelus 0 starts, players will need to get hit by the boss on purpose until their health falls below zero. As soon as that happens, Carbuncle resurrects Noctis back to full health and also applies a damage buff known as “Ruby Light”.

Ruby Light is the main buff used to defeat the Angelus 0 and can make a long and arduous fight much easier.

4 Ignis’ Enhancements:

Ignis provides Noctis with different elemental damage boosts that compound with the various buffs players may already have enabled. The key is to get at least two different elemental damage boosts for this to be effective.

Players will need to cast Enhancement again until at least 2 different elemental damage buffs have been applied. Players can try and apply a third elemental damage boost as well, but only two are required against the Angelus 0.

3 Attack the Torso:

The torso for the MA-X Angelus 0 is the main target players need to attack. The Zwill Crossblades along with any and all buffs applied to Noctis will do substantial damage to the Angelus 0.

This will deplete the Angelus 0’s health swiftly, but players need to keep an eye out for incoming attacks. Even on Easy difficulty, the Angelus 0 is a challenging boss fight. Its AA gun is especially deadly for players and its best left avoided.

2 Fill the Armiger Gauge:

“The Armiger” serves as the ultimate attack against the MA-X Angelus 0 boss and will do the majority of the damage. Players can fill up the Armiger gauge by attacking Angelus 0.

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The Armiger attack can easily take out a bit over half of the Angelus’ health in one stroke. This is particularly useful when grinding for multiple Magitek Suits as players can complete each encounter in under 5 minutes.

1 Magitek Suit Drop:

The Magitek Suit is a guaranteed item drop by defeating MA-X Angelus 0. As soon as the Angelus 0 is defeated, the suit is added to the players’ inventory. But a rare, more powerful version of the suit known as the “Magitek Suit v2” also exists in the game.

This suit has a 5% drop chance and the only way for players to get it is by pure chance and grinding the MA-X Angelus 0 boss.

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