Much like the Brotherhood anime series and the Kingsglaive CGI film, A King’s Tale is meant to expand upon the existing story in Final Fantasy 15, with the main game focusing on King Regis – that is, father to FF 15 protagonist Noctis – and his companions, Weskham, Cid, and Clarus. The group bands together in order to do battle against monsters that have begun to invade the royal capital.

Interestingly enough, the actual campaign that players undertake in A King’s Tale begins after King Regis tells his son Noctis a fairy tale in order to send him swooning into dreamland. Fans will then assume the role of a young King Regis thereafter, and bear out the beats of his bedtime story with some brawler-heavy side-scrolling.

In addition to the fantastical creatures and story elements to be found within A King’s Tale, the Final Fantasy 15 bonus game also features some wonderful-looking retro graphics, as well as a fast-paced combat system. Not to mention, it wouldn’t be a Final Fantasy product without including such familiar staples as gigantic swords and even bigger summons.

Taking all of this into consideration, it’s good to see Square Enix offer up such a solid piece of free content for all Final Fantasy 15 fans well after the game released last year. Without a doubt, it’s the developer’s way of thanking fans for purchasing so many copies of Final Fantasy 15 and helping it break even with development costs on launch day.

Final Fantasy 15 is out now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.