To be a part of the Syndicate is to be one of the wealthiest people in Ul’dah. Members of the Syndicate in Final Fantasy 14 include Lolorito Nanarito, Teledji Adeledji, Dewlala Dewla, Foreman Fyrgeiss, Raubahn Aldynn, and Gobert Manderville. Most members are Lalafell who are the chairmens, heads, and directors of major trade organizations that have no shortage of Gil.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 14: A Deep Dive Into Lalafell

The Political Factions Of The Syndicate

The Syndicate has six chairs, and they all go to whoever made Ul’dah the most rich. There are two political factions in Ul’dah, the Monetarists and the Royalists. Both political factions strive the best they can to get seats in the Syndicate. The Monetarists wish to create self-governence that is independent of the Ul Dynasty while the Royalists want the Ul Dynasty to remain in power.

Members of the Monetarists include Lolorito, Fyrgeiss, and Teledji while the Royalists include Raubahn, Papashan, and Pipin. At present, the Monetarists make a majority of the Syndicate. A former member, Eolande Qiveron, the Director of Frondale’s Phrontistery, died in the Calamity and was replaced by the owner of the Gold Saucer, Godbert Manderville, but there are theories that Eolande was actually assassinated due to having a political quarrel with the Monetarists.

About The Syndicate’s Members

Lolorito Nanarito is 64-years-old and made his fortune by founding the East Alenard Trading Company and then buying brands like Sunsilk Tapestries and Eshtaime’s Aesthetics. The trading company became the largest Ul’dahn enterprise and its merchants travel all across Eorzea. Due to his vast wealth, it is arguable that Lolorito could be the most powerful figure in the Syndicate, and he only gets more wealthy in his position as he can make descisions that create the most profit.

Currently, in Final Fantasy 14, Teledji Adeledji has yet to be replaced in the Syndicate since his death. He died at 55-years-old and made his wealth from the Platinum Mirage casino and the Mirage Trust (which made him technically own the Pugilists Guild). While he was a Monetarist like Lolorito, he actually sought Nanamo’s death with ultimately got him killed by Raubahn.

There is one Roegadyn among the Syndicate and that is Fyrgeiss Loetkilbsyn. He got his riches by owning the Amajina and Sons Mineral Concern. Despite being a Monetarist, he favors the Immortal Flames because they help defend his mining facilities that are often attacked by Amalj’aa. Like Teledji, he is also in his 50s.

Rabauhn is one of the few Royalists in the Syndicate. He was a resident of Ala Mhigo before it was taken over by the Garlean Empire. He managed to escape and become champion Gladiator in Ul’dah. With the money he won, he purchased the Coliseum and thus made it into the Syndicate. Since the events of Stormblood, he has gone home to Ala Mhigo. So like Teledji, his seat is now open for a replacement.

The only woman in the Syndicate is a Lalafell named Dewlala Dewla. She made it to her seat by being the head of the Order of Nald’thal, a group of thaumaturges based in Ul’dah. Unlike most members of the Syndciate, Dewlala is neutral and is neither a Royalist nor Monetarist. She often acts as a mediator during when arguments break amongst Syndicate members.

Last, and certainly not least, is Gobert Manderville who is the most recent addition to the Syndicate. He owns the Manderville Gold Saucer and is a master goldsmith. Between the Gold Saucer and his goldsmithing talents, Godbert is a very rich man. While the man is known to be quite bizarre, he is very serious about how wealth is built on the happiness of the community and thus puts his money into funding events such as the Starlight Celebration.

Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

MORE: Final Fantasy 14: The History Of UI’dah